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BOMA in the Community

The People Concern

The homelessness crisis has gripped Los Angeles and affects all of us. BOMA/GLA recognizes that combating this issue is a priority for our members. We also understand that knowing how to help or what to do is difficult to grasp when a social crisis is of this magnitude.
With this in mind, BOMA/GLA is teaming up with one organization we believe can make the biggest impact in helping to solve this crisis: The People Concern.

Annual Toys, Food and Clothing Drive

Each year over 200 members join together on an organization-wide holiday drive.  Starting in October of each year, our members sign up to the drive to collect toys, food and clothing for 20+ charities serving the Greater Los Angeles area.

Our charities range from helping the homeless, domestic violence abuse shelters and families without homes.

Click here to see our 2019 30th Annual Toy, Food and Clothing Drive Results!



Each year over 200 members join together on an organization-wide holiday drive.  Starting in October of each year, our members sign up to the drive to collect toys, food and clothing for 20+ charities serving the Greater Los Angeles area.


Other Things in the community

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