Local Building Codes
The California building and fire codes, designed to protect employees and visitors to commercial office buildings, are some of the most complex and technologically advanced in the nation. BOMA Greater Los Angeles works closely with city officials throughout Los Angeles County to systematically review modifications to the intricate set of codes impacting commercial building owners.
As a leading expert on building systems and efficiency, BOMA/GLA is a powerful advocate on specific code issues and is recognized as a valued resource for building officials throughout the region.
BOMA/GLA Collaborates with Codes Experts and Building Officials
The BOMA/GLA Codes and Regulations Committee meets monthly with City of Los Angeles and other city building and fire officials to present concerns that have arisen during the tenant improvement process. This customer feedback is a strong tool for streamlining the costly and time-consuming planning and permitting process.
In addition, experts from the structural, plan-check and inspection, disability and fire/life safety bureaus provide updates on new state codes, as well as changes in local standards of operation. These briefings provide an important preview to our members which allows better preparation in advance of the code adoption date.
We also track changes in state and municipal water and energy codes, elevator codes, indoor air quality and demolition regulations, and rules promulgated by the South Coast Air Quality Management district.
BOMA/GLA works with our member subject matter experts to identify areas in which specific written guidance would benefit our members. Owners and managers can look to BOMA/GLA for how-to guides and best practices which save time and improve building operations.

Plan Check and Inspection of Tenant Improvement Work
We are on the forefront of pursuing customer-oriented service from Building and Fire Departments We have worked with departments in multiple cities to improve the tenant improvement process.

Los Angeles Fire Department Fire Life Safety Regulations
For over 30 years, BOMA/GLA has worked with the City of Los Angeles on improving the testing process of building fire-life safety equipment such as fire pumps, water tanks, risers and alarm systems.

Seismic Retrofit of Concrete Commercial Buildings
BOMA/GLA played an active role working with the Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti on the Seismic Retrofit Ordinance. Since then, we successfully lobbied for changes to the City of Santa Monica ordinance and provided expert comment on the development of the City of Beverly Hill's ordinance.